Questions voters should ask lawmakers about their AI Legislation

AI is revolutionizing our world, but without proper governance, it could compromise our rights and privacy. That’s why the Department of Technology (DoT) is dedicated to promoting transparency and public accountability when it comes to AI legislation. Your voice matters now more than ever.

As voters, you have the constitutional right to receive clear, honest answers from lawmakers. Every AI-related bill proposed could directly impact your safety, privacy, and future. It’s not just about technological advancement — it’s about safeguarding your rights under the First Amendment.

Imagine a future where AI works for everyone, and lawmakers are held accountable for the laws they draft. With the Department of Technology at the forefront, you can ensure that AI legislation is fair, inclusive, and transparent.

Don’t just accept laws as they are—question them, challenge them, and demand better. Start by asking these critical questions when new AI legislation is proposed.

We’ve provided the critical questions, explanations and insights into how a future DoT would step in to ensure the answers serve the public’s best interests. Your engagement is the key to securing an ethical and accountable AI future. Let’s make sure your voice shapes the future of AI governance.

1. Motivation Behind the Legislation:
Is this AI legislation genuinely designed to address public concerns, or is it primarily intended to generate publicity, raise campaign funds, or further political careers? How have you demonstrated a commitment to the public interest?

Lawmakers have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of their constituents. Under principles of administrative law, the motivation behind legislation should be grounded in serving public welfare, not private or political gain. Voters have the right to challenge laws that are in the works or have already passed without a legitimate government interest, as the Constitution prohibits abuse of power for personal advancement.

If lawmakers prioritize personal or political gain over public welfare, the DoT would step in to hold public hearings, ensuring transparency and adherence to fiduciary duties. We would collaborate with voters to challenge such legislation and ensure that future laws align with public interests through revised drafts and inclusive consultations.

2. Bipartisanship and Inclusivity:
Was this legislation developed with input from representatives of all major political parties? If not, why? What steps have you taken to ensure the legislation reflects a broad range of viewpoints?

Under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, legislation should aim to serve the public impartially. Laws that reflect partisan bias or exclude certain viewpoints may violate this principle. Voters have the legal right to demand transparency in the legislative process to ensure that all stakeholders are fairly represented.

If the law was developed without bipartisan input, the DoT would work with voters to initiate dialogue between all political parties and stakeholders. We would ensure that all relevant perspectives are considered and could amend or delay the legislation until it reflects a balanced approach to serve the wider public.

3. Transparency and Accountability:
What specific mechanisms will the law include to ensure transparency and accountability in AI development and deployment?

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) requires that laws, especially those regulating technology, include provisions for transparency and accountability. Voters have a right to know how AI will be regulated, who will oversee its deployment, and how accountability will be maintained. Any failure to disclose such details can be legally challenged under principles of open government.

In cases where transparency is lacking, the DoT would enforce compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). We would introduce measures to enhance transparency, such as open meetings, public disclosure of AI implementation plans, and mechanisms for public oversight, ensuring lawmakers are held accountable.

4. Data Privacy Protections:
How does this legislation offer concrete protections for personal data privacy and security? Has bipartisan agreement been reached on these protections?

The Fourth Amendment guarantees the right to privacy, particularly concerning personal data. Voters have a legal right to demand that AI legislation provides clear protections against the unlawful collection, storage, and misuse of personal data. Additionally, voters may challenge laws that inadequately protect privacy.

If data privacy protections are inadequate, the DoT would collaborate with privacy advocates, legal experts, and voters to draft amendments. We would ensure the legislation meets constitutional privacy standards, providing clear safeguards for personal data and enforcing strong security measures.

5. Bias and Fairness:
What concrete measures will be taken to prevent bias in AI systems, and how will fairness be enforced?

AI systems that perpetuate bias may violate constitutional protections, including the Equal Protection Clause. Voters are legally entitled to ask how legislation will ensure fairness in AI, as biased systems can lead to discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, and law enforcement, which are subject to federal anti-discrimination laws.

Should lawmakers fail to prevent bias in AI systems, the DoT would advocate for stronger anti-discrimination provisions. We would work with civil rights groups, data scientists, and the public to implement robust frameworks ensuring AI fairness, enforcing equal protection under the law.

6. Public Safety and Security:
How will this law meaningfully address the risks posed by AI misuse, such as cybersecurity threats?

The government has a duty to protect public safety under the police powers conferred by the Constitution. Legislation that inadequately addresses threats posed by AI may violate this obligation. Voters have the right to seek assurances that laws will protect against AI-related cybersecurity risks and other public safety issues.

If the legislation does not adequately address public safety, the DoT would consult cybersecurity experts and the public to enhance provisions. We would facilitate cross-party collaboration to create comprehensive safety standards that mitigate the risks of AI misuse, ensuring public protection.

7. Job Displacement and Economic Impact:
Are the provisions for addressing potential job losses due to AI supported by thorough research, or are they politically motivated talking points?

Economic regulation is subject to rational basis review under the Due Process Clause. If AI-related job displacement is not properly addressed in legislation, voters can argue that the law lacks a rational connection to its stated goals, particularly in protecting workers’ rights and livelihoods.

The DoT would step in to advocate for worker protections and economic safeguards. We would collaborate with labor organizations, economists, and voters to develop research-backed strategies to address job displacement, ensuring that the law includes equitable economic policies.

8. Innovation and Research:
How will the legislation balance regulation with promoting AI innovation, and is this balance supported by all political parties?

The Constitution’s Commerce Clause grants Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce, including technological innovation. However, overregulation that stifles innovation could be challenged as an undue burden on commerce. Voters have the right to question whether legislation strikes a fair balance between regulation and fostering innovation.

If innovation is stifled, the DoT would work with technology leaders and lawmakers to balance regulation with progress. We would ensure that legislative reforms support technological growth while maintaining ethical standards, promoting bipartisan solutions to foster a thriving AI industry.

9. Ethical Standards:
What specific ethical guidelines will be established for AI development, and is there bipartisan support for their enforcement?

Voters have the right to demand that lawmakers adhere to ethical standards when crafting AI legislation, especially in areas that may affect human rights. Ethical considerations are fundamental to legislative intent and must align with existing laws protecting civil rights and personal liberties.

The DoT would promote ethical AI practices by establishing clear, enforceable guidelines. We would engage with voters, industry experts, and lawmakers to create a bipartisan framework ensuring that AI development remains aligned with ethical standards protecting civil liberties.

10. Access and Inclusivity:
How will the law ensure equitable access to AI benefits, and have all parties contributed to this framework?

Equal access to technological advancements is a matter of public interest. Under anti-discrimination laws, legislation must ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all citizens, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. Voters are legally entitled to demand inclusivity in AI governance.

The DoT would intervene to ensure equitable access to AI benefits by addressing any gaps in the legislation. We would collaborate with underrepresented communities and public interest groups to amend the law, ensuring all citizens have access to AI technologies regardless of socioeconomic status.

11. International Coordination:
Does this legislation align with international AI governance efforts, or is it a unilateral move aimed at domestic recognition?

Voters have the right to question whether AI laws are consistent with international treaties and standards, particularly if the legislation involves international trade or collaboration. Under the Supremacy Clause, international agreements can preempt conflicting state or local laws, making it essential that legislation aligns with global efforts.

The DoT would work to align local legislation with international AI standards. In consultation with global regulatory bodies and voters, we would ensure that AI governance remains consistent with international treaties and agreements, protecting the U.S. position in global AI leadership.

12. Future Adaptability:
How does the legislation plan to adapt to future advancements in AI?

Laws must be adaptable to technological advancements to remain relevant. Voters have the legal right to demand that legislation includes provisions for future adaptability to prevent outdated regulations from stifling innovation or causing legal confusion.

If legislation lacks future adaptability, the DoT would work with legal and technological experts to introduce amendments that ensure laws evolve with AI advancements. We would gather public input to make sure legislation remains effective and relevant, protecting innovation and public interests over time.

13. Legal Challenges and the Supremacy Clause:
How will potential legal challenges involving the Supremacy Clause be addressed if state, county, or local governments pass conflicting AI regulations?

Under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal law supersedes conflicting state or local regulations. Voters have the right to ask how lawmakers plan to address potential conflicts between local AI regulations and federal standards.

The DoT would proactively address conflicts between state, local, and federal AI regulations. We would collaborate with voters, legal experts, and government officials to harmonize laws and prevent legal challenges, ensuring AI legislation adheres to the Supremacy Clause.

14. AI Involvement in Drafting:
Was any part of this AI legislation created using AI tools? If so, how was the output verified for accuracy and alignment with public interests?

Voters have the right to know if AI was used in the legislative drafting process, as this could raise concerns about accuracy, bias, or transparency. The use of AI in drafting legislation may be subject to review under administrative law to ensure that human oversight was properly exercised.

If AI was used without human oversight in drafting legislation, the DoT would require verification and human review of the AI-generated content. We would ensure that any AI involvement in legislative drafting complies with ethical standards, ensuring accuracy and alignment with public interests.

This is why we authored our Federal AI Disclosure Act, that requires that any use of AI in legislative activities be clearly disclosed, ensuring that voters know when and how AI is influencing the laws that govern them. This transparency is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our democratic processes.

In all cases, the Department of Technology would act as a mediator and advocate for public involvement, working with lawmakers and voters to ensure AI legislation is fair, transparent, and beneficial for society.


AI legislation represents a new and essential frontier in law, requiring a careful balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding constitutional rights and public safety. As engaged citizens, it is not only your constitutional right but your civic duty to ask lawmakers direct, honest questions about the laws they propose and demand clear, truthful answers.

By exercising this right, you contribute to ensuring that AI legislation is transparent, fair, and accountable—key factors in guaranteeing that technological advancements serve the public good. Your active involvement today shapes a future where technology uplifts all of society.

The following is as email template in PDF format, for voters to use to copy and paste into their email or letters to their elected officials asking questions about their AI legislation.

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